Products of OTY
To purchase a Teekkari cap, cockade, OTY ribbon or become a member of OTY, follow these steps:
- See the price and reference number of the commodity from the list below.
- Pay the payment to the bank account of OTY:
Name: Oulun Teekkariyhdistys ry
IBAN: FI88 5741 4020 1501 29
BIC: OKOYFIHH - Be sure to mention the reference number when paying. If the payment is not made from your own account, ask the payer to mention your own name in the message field.
- Take a receipt for payment! A receipt printed from online banking is only valid if it shows the payment archiving ID.
- Come to the OTY office with a payment receipt during office hours, ie on Mondays from 11 am to 2 pm. You can also see Office Hours and any changes in the calendar on the right.
Note! This instruction only applies to freshmen (1st year students).
Teekkari cap order is binding!
A student of the University of Oulu, whose studies lead to a master’s degree in engineering or architecture, can become a full member of the Oulu Teekkariyhdistys ry. The lifelong membership fee is 30 euros. The price of the cap is more affordable the earlier it is ordered and paid for. Cap prices will be updated later on this page.
The membership application and cap order form can be filled in during office hours at OTY’s office at Teekkaritalo or printed out in advance. At the same time, you can try out sizes of the Teekkari cap.
Membership takes effect when the applicant has paid his / her membership fee, completed the membership application and the membership application has been approved at the OTY Board meeting.
The prices below include both the Cap Fee with a cockade and OTY’s membership fee, as well as the due dates for payment. Please note that in order to receive the cap at a cheaper price, you must both pay the fee before the due date and submit the membership application to OTY no later than the due date.
Price (due date 29.11.2024): 170€
Price (due date 27.12.2024): 185€
Price (due date 24.1.2025): 195€
Reference number: 1012
Freshmen will receive more detailed instructions for ordering the Cap and becoming a member from their own tutor.
Note! This instruction only applies to Teekkaris (2-n. year students) as well as those wanting to become a senior members.
Teekkari cap order is binding!
Price (due date 29.11.2024): 170€
Price (due date 27.12.2024): 185€
Price (due date 24.1.2025): 195€
Reference number: 1009
A student of the University of Oulu, whose studies lead to a master’s degree in engineering or architecture, can become a full member of the Oulu Teekkariyhdistys ry. The lifelong membership fee is 30 euros. The price of the cap is more affordable the earlier it is ordered and paid for. Cap prices will be updated later on this page.
Senior members of the association can be persons who have completed a master’s degree or an architect’s degree at the University of Oulu. Applicants for senior membership must also pay the membership fee.
The Membership Application and Cap Order Form can be filled in during office hours at the OTY office. At the same time, you can try out sizes of the Teekkari cap.
Membership takes effect when the applicant has paid his / her membership fee, filled in the membership application and the membership application has been approved at the OTY Board meeting.
Price: 35.00 euro
Reference number: 2008
Note! Use this reference number only if you want to pay a membership without Teekkari cap.
In addition to paying the membership fee, you must also fill in the membership application form, which can be obtained from Teekkaritalo during office hours.
Price: 145 €
Reference: 3007
Teekkari cap order is binding!
Note! Use this reference number if you are already a member of OTY and want to order a Teekkari cap.
The caps are only sold to OTY members.
Cockade, OTY ribbon and Tekniikan ratas chest pin can be bought only from OTY office hours. Payment is done by using MobilePay. If using MobilePay is not possible, please contact the Treasurer.
- Cockade: 18,00 euro
- Chest pin: 11,00 euro SOLD OUT
- OTY ribbon
- 2200 euro/kilometre
- Shoulder ribbon (0.6m): 1,32 euro
- Rosette (0.33m): 0,73 euro
Only sold to members of OTY.
Overall patches
OTY also sells overall patches, which can be bought from the office hours. Each overall patch costs 3 euro.